Rulers and Pelvimeters | Obs and Gyn Instruments

In Obstetrics-Gynecology, professionals use rulers and pelvimeters to assess and measure childbirth-related aspects, pelvic anatomy, and fetal growth. Rulers come in various forms and sizes, primarily serving to measure lengths, diameters, or circumferences. Additionally, specialized instruments called pelvimeters assess maternal pelvis dimensions and shape, providing valuable information about its structure and size.

At Surgi Right, our devotion to excellence in manufacturing is second to none. However, we understand that precision, durability, and reliability of tools are paramount in the demanding field of surgery. Our collection of obs-gyn instruments is a testament to our quality, ensuring that professionals have access to the best instruments. Furthermore, we also provide inclusive dental instruments to meet the different needs of medical professionals.

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Common Purpose of OB-GYN Rulers and Pelvimeters

Rulers & pelvimeters cater to a broad spectrum of uses including.

  • Pregnancy Monitoring - These instruments aid in monitoring fetal growth through measurements like fundal height during pregnancy.
  • Labor Evaluation - Moreover, rulers assist in assessing cervical dilation during labor, crucial for monitoring progress.
  • Pelvic Assessment - Additionally, pelvimeters are vital for evaluating pelvic dimensions, aiding in predicting the feasibility of a vaginal delivery.

Types of Rulers and Pelvimeters at Surgi Right

Surgi Right offers a wide range of rulers and pelvimeters, including.

  1. Collin Pelvimeter | Specifically designed to measure the dimensions of the maternal pelvis.
  2. Depth Ruler | Used for precise depth measurements, particularly during gynecological examinations.
  3. Martin Pelvimeter | Another specialized instrument for assessing pelvic dimensions.
  4. Measuring Probe Width Ruler | Instrument used for measuring widths in various obstetric and gynecological contexts.
  5. Width Ruler | A tool designed for measuring specific widths, essential in obstetric and gynecological assessments.

These instruments play a crucial role in accurate measurements and assessments during pregnancy, labor, and gynecological examinations, ensuring optimal care for expecting mothers and gynecological patients. We take pride in our ability to provide healthcare professionals with the tools they need to operate safely and successfully. However, we design different rulers and pelvimeters to meet the exacting standards of the modern operative landscape. Whether it's ensuring safe childbirth, diagnosing gynecological conditions, or performing therapeutic interventions, Surgi Rights offers comprehensive instruments for obstetrics and gynecology that uphold the highest standards of quality and precision.